How can Osteopathy Aid the Effects Anxiety Is Having On Your Body?

At some point in your life you will have experienced anxiety, possibly before a social event, a job interview, or maybe before boarding a plane. The sense of doom you feel can increase your heart rate, upset your stomach, disrupt your breathing pattern, cause headaches, as well as muscle and joint pains.

Anxiety can hit anyone at any point in their life, however, there are many people who battle with chronic anxiety on a daily basis. What anxiety sufferers often don’t realise is, if their condition is left untreated, it can begin to impact their musculoskeletal system due to the constant stress and tension flooding their body.

Are you someone who is constantly on high alert, like you’re preparing to face an intense situation? 

Life is stressful, that’s a fact, and the countless lockdowns we have been pushed in and out of since 2019, have definitely done nothing to help. Reports show increased levels of anxiety, and even depression, within the population. 

What can you do to aid your anxiety? 


Therapy will help you uncover the underlying causes of your worries and fears, and provide you with the tools to cope with them, and potentially overcome them. A therapist will work with you to help you learn how to relax and how to look at situations in new, less frightening ways. Unfortunately, there’s still a stigma surrounding seeking therapy for mental illnesses, this can lead to people who desperately need help to avoid it. This only prolongs suffering. There is no shame in seeking support. Therapy is for all types of people who have all types of mental health issues. Seeking support is the first step in gaining back control of your life.


In its simplest terms, meditation is the practice of thinking deeply or focusing your mind for a period of time. You can follow guided meditations online, or simply sit in a quiet and safe space in silence. The aim of meditation is to stop your mind from rushing around aimlessly, and to train your attention and awareness to be within your control. Once you are able to do this, you will achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state which will ultimately enhance your physical and emotional well-being.


Osteopathy is a holistic approach to supporting and improving your well-being. It can work in combination with therapy and meditation to help reduce anxiety and its impact on your body. As it focuses on your joints, muscles and spine, it will help you relieve the stressful physical symptoms anxiety can leave you with. 

What treatments will an Osteopath offer for your anxiety?

Treatment will involve addressing the body’s overactive nervous system, tight muscles, headaches, digestive issues, as well as joint pains. An Osteopath will pay particular attention to the muscles around the thoracic spine, this is where the sympathetic nervous system, responsible for the ‘fight or flight’ response, is located. By focusing here, your Osteopath will identify exactly where your anxiety is impacting you and will be able to provide you with techniques you can include in your day-to-day life which will help you manage the effects of your anxiety. 

Breathing Exercises

These are effective in lowering your heart rate and blood pressure. They are a great way to reduce your feelings of anxiety, especially as you can do them anywhere, at any time.


Stretches for the neck, upper back and thoracic area are fantastic for people suffering with anxiety. They will relieve tension in these specific muscles and encourage calmer feelings which will lead to better sleep.

Soft Tissue Massage

By applying deep pressure and rhythmic stretching to the soft tissue, an Osteopath is able to release fluid build-up and relax your muscle layers. It’s an effective treatment for relieving anxiety-related headaches and stiffness.

If anxiety or stress is impacting your life, please get in touch to book in your complimentary consultation at the Enfield Osteopathic Clinic. I will help to alleviate the aches and pains your anxiety is causing you. 

We will be able to assess your body and provide the appropriate treatments needed to release the tension that is disrupting your physical and emotional well-being.

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